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Creative Connections Arts Academy 7-12

Creative Connections Arts Academy 7-12

Student Community Service

Reminder: students need to complete 15 hours each year.

Reminder: students need to complete 15 hours each year.

The educational program as described in the CCAA charter states that part of the admission process is a commitment by students to provide community service. For the school year, CCAA expects each K-12 student to provide and document a minimum of 15 hours of community service (with a goal of 5 per trimester or 7.5 per semester). Service may be provided at community events or for non-profit organizations. Students should be careful that their community service benefits the community at large and NOT personal family members, neighbors, or businesses.
To encourage working with our many local service organizations, students in grades 6-12 should partner with a local organization for Field Study Day community service hour assignments. All other community service would just count towards the 15 hour commitment.
REMEMBER: How you describe the activity goes a long way towards making it count. It is the family’s responsibility to record hours earned. Include names, dates, number of hours, and description. See samples below:
CCAA believes that community service enhances student education in many ways and impacts their personal, academic, and social development:
Personal Growth:
·       Empathy and compassion: Working with diverse communities fosters understanding and appreciation for different perspectives and challenges, building empathy and compassion.
·       Self-confidence and self-esteem: Successfully contributing to a cause and seeing the positive impact of their actions can boost confidence and self-worth.
·       Leadership and communication skills: Taking initiative, collaborating with others, and communicating effectively are crucial in community service, developing valuable leadership and communication skills.
Academic Growth:
·       Real-world application of knowledge: Community service provides opportunities to apply academic knowledge to real-world situations, deepening understanding and solidifying learning.
·       Problem-solving and critical thinking: Tackling challenges and finding solutions in community settings improves problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
·       Career exploration and preparation: Exposure to different fields and professions can spark career interests and provide valuable experience for future career paths.
Social Growth:
·       Civic responsibility and global awareness: Engaging with community issues cultivates a sense of civic responsibility and awareness of global challenges.
·       Collaboration and teamwork: Working with diverse individuals and groups fosters teamwork, collaboration, and conflict resolution skills.
·       Networking and social connections: Community service builds relationships with mentors, community members, and peers, expanding social networks and fostering a sense of belonging.
Overall, community service can be a transformative experience for students, shaping them into more well-rounded individuals with greater awareness of themselves and the world around them. It equips them with valuable skills, confidence, and a commitment to making a positive impact on their communities.

Ideas and how this description/activity would count!


Worked at a homeless shelter washing dishes on 9/20 for 2 hours from 4:00 to 6:00. Helping my mom with dishes
Worked in Mrs. Smith’s classroom from 8:00 to 2:30 helping stu-dents, correcting papers, making copies, etc on the second field study day,10/15. Field Study Day
Volunteered at the park district pulling weeds and mowing lawns on 9/06 for 3 hours with the Girl Scout Troup. Mowed a lawn
Worked at a day care helping children with projects, served lunch, etc. on 8/30 for 2 hours Baby sitting
Worked at CCAA Showcase night serving drinks, handing out flyers, for 1 hour from 7-8pm. Showcase Night
Participated in “Race for the Arts” from 8am to 12pm on Saturday, August (or another awareness run like JDRF, Walk for Autism, Walk for the Cure, etc.) and raised money for CCAA by getting pledges Went to a race
Passed out flyers to neighbors and handed them out at local store to help advertise for CCAA Carnival and Craft Fair and other events for 3 hours total (30 minutes x 6 days after school)  
Created homemade holiday cards and visited a local nursing home to pass them out Made cards for family members
Carefully cut several box top coupons in preparation for turning them in. (Max 30 minutes for 25 cut.)  
Cleaned batter’s box and raked infield after each little league game (15 minutes x 10 games)  
Collected items and put together care packages for youth in
hospitals, donated to Ronald MacDonald House (3 hours)


El programa educativo, tal y como se describe en los estatutos de la CCAA, establece que parte del proceso de admisión es el compromiso por parte de los estudiantes de prestar servicio comunitario. Para el año escolar, CCAA espera que cada estudiante de K-12 proporcione y documente un mínimo de 15 horas de servicio comunitario (con un objetivo de 5 por trimestre o 7,5 por semestre). El servicio puede prestarse en eventos comunitarios o para organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro. Los estudiantes deben tener cuidado de que su servicio comunitario beneficie a la comunidad en general y NO a miembros personales de la familia, vecinos o negocios.
Para fomentar el trabajo con nuestras numerosas organizaciones de servicio locales, los estudiantes de 6º a 12º grado deben asociarse con una organización local para las asignaciones de horas de servicio comunitario del Día de Estudio de Campo. Todos los demás servicios comunitarios sólo contarán para el compromiso de 15 horas.
RECUERDE: La forma de describir la actividad es muy importante para que cuente. Es responsabilidad de la familia registrar las horas ganadas. Incluya nombres, fechas, número de horas y descripción. Vea los ejemplos a continuación:
¡Ideas y cómo esta descripción/actividad contaría! ¡SÍ! ¡CUENTA! NO CONTARÍA
Trabajé en un refugio para personas sin hogar lavando platos el
9/20 durante 2 horas de 4:00 a 6:00.  
Ayude a mi madre a lavar los platos
Trabajé en el salón de la Sra. Smith de 8:00 a 2:30 ayudando a los
estudiantes, corrigiendo papeles, haciendo copias, etc en el
segundo día de estudio de campo,10/15.
Día de Estudio de Campo
Voluntario en el distrito de parques arrancando hierbas y cortando el
pasto el 9/06 durante 3 horas con el grupo de Girl Scouts. 
Corté el pasto
Trabajé en una guardería ayudando a los niños con proyectos,
sirviendo el lonche, etc. el 8/30 durante 2 horas 
Cuidar de niños
Trabajé en la noche de CCAA Showcase sirviendo bebidas,
repartiendo folletos, durante 1 hora de 7-8pm. 
Noche de Showcase
Participé en la "Carrera por las Artes" de 8 a 12 de la mañana del
sábado de agosto (u otra carrera de concienciación como JDRF,
Walk for Autism, Walk for the Cure, etc.) y recaudó dinero para la
CCAA consiguiendo promesas.
Fui a una carrera
Repartí volantes a los vecinos y los entregué en una tienda local para
ayudar a promocionar el Carnaval de la CCAA y la Feria de Artesanía
y otros eventos durante 3 horas en total (30 minutos x 6 días después
de la escuela).
Hice cartas navideñas caseras y visité una residencia de ancianos
para repartirlas. 
Hice cartas para familiares
Envío digital de tapas de cajas para recaudar fondos para la escuel  
Limpié la caja de bateo y rastrillé el campo después de cada
partido de la liga infantil (15 minutos x 10 partidos)
Recogí artículos y preparé paquetes de ayuda para jóvenes
hospitalizados, donados a Ronald MacDonald House (3 horas).


Student Community Service Ideas

Student Community Service Ideas

Volunteer Programs:

Local Organizations:

Other Suggestions:

  • Help out with CCAA Support the Artsefforts:
    • Collect, cut, and count box tops 
    • collect Terracycle Products
  • Help out in libraries
  • Straighten up hymnal books and missals in pews after church service
  • Making pb & j sandwiches for homeless people, putting them in brown bags, decorated with a water bottle, mini toothpaste, soap, etc , and passing them out.
  • Write letters to soldiers (contact recruiters' offices for names)
  • Visit convalescent homes
  • Cleaning parks in neighborhoods 

Pinwheels for Peace

Garden cleanup

Race for the Arts

Orchard cleanup